The organisations and projects we helped with a John Horniman’s Children’s Trust grant in 2017…
Ashford Family Nursery
To provide additional sessions at Ashford Nursery for very young children with significant learning needs.
Back Up Trust
To provide support for young people with spinal cord injuries to enable them to take their place in the educational system and develop independence skills.
Bereavement Care
Grant for Seasons for Growth UK to provide 1:1 or small group counselling following bereavement for young people living in Harrow.
Chickenshed Theatre
Grant to support Chickenshed Theatre for 2017 as it extends its workshop sessions during 2017.
Clwyd Special Riding Centre
Grant to purchase 3 purpose designed saddles to enable children with special needs to ride ponies to build their self confidence and strengthen motor and communication skills.
Funding for Create’s delivery of the Artsadventure project for children in hospitals in the Oxfordshire and Berkshire region.
Cruse Bereavement Centre
To enable 15 special bereavement volunteers to be trained in counselling bereaved children in East Sussex.
Cystic Fibrosis Trust
Grant for the provision of materials to be used in schools and to support children with Cystic Fibrosis in their adolescence, helping them to come to terms with on-going life decisions.
Disability Challengers
To support the bursary provision for the holiday playscheme run for children with disabilities in Alton.
ERIC (The Children’s Bowel & Bladder Charity)
To fund the charity’s information and help-
Footsteps Foundation
Grant towards the maintenance of the charity’s hours of physiotherapy which benefits a number of children from around the country.
Guild Care
Funding for the Ashdown Centre which provides respite for children with disabilities and their siblings.
Haringey Shed
Funding for support workers to enable young people with disabilities in the Haringey area to access activities there, largely drama based and organised by Haringey Shed.
Haven House Children’s Hospice
Funding provided to increase Physiotherapist contact time by 10% as part of the Hospice@Home.Butterfly programme.
Heads On
To support the work of a project artist to develop drawing skills in children with a mental illness, through the Year of Drawing Project.
Support towards additional hours for an O.T. in 2017 to treat severe complex communication difficulties with some children at Down House School.
Lake District Calvert Trust
To provide bursaries for young disabled children to attend activity courses.
London Philharmonic Orchestra
Support towards the ‘Sound Journeys’ project which enables children with significant Hearing Impairments and some on the Autistic Spectrum to participate in music activities which provide them with an additional means of communication. The members of the orchestra give of their time and also provide Continuing Professional Development to others.
Mad Hatter’s Children’s Charity
To enable 9 sessions for 8 different special schools in the Midlands area to experience the To Boldly Go project at the Ackers Adventure Centre.
Megan Baker House
Support towards work in offering conductive education to improve the outcomes and life-
Movement Centre
To provide Targeted Training for children with cerebral palsy, Targeted Training mimics the natural development of control, using a specially designed standing frame which is made in the hospital workshop. Each frame is tailored and adjusted to the child’s specific requirements. The frame goes home with the child so they can repeat their exercises daily, taught by the physiotherapists, which the parents commit to.
OKMT (Otakar Kraus Music Trust)
Funding for music therapy for 7 children aged 5-
Pace Centre
Towards the effective construction of bespoke PODD (Pragmatic Organisation Dynamic Display) communication books for use with some of their non-
Partnership for Children
To provide Teaching Packs for 4 special Needs Schools giving skills for life. The work has been endorsed by the World Health Organisation for its content covering Mental Well-
Rainbow Trust
Funding for employment of a Family Support Worker in the Cumbria and North Lancashire team.
Richard House Children’s Charity
Funding for a palliative care nurse for at least another month to provide specialist care for children with life-
Rosie’s Rainbow Fund
Provision of music therapy for very sick children in hospitals in Berks, Bucks and Oxon. A grant to pay for 40 hours of sessional fees for the music teacher.
RSBC (Royal Society for Blind Children)
To work with 8-
Seashell Trust
To enable children with severe communication issues at their Specialist school and college in Manchester receiving an education to have I-
Sebastian’s Action Trust
Funding for an art therapy for Life Limited children to take place as part of a children and family holiday-
Funding for Shine Brighter a new special education support project for children and younger people with spina bifida and hyrdocephalus to have an inclusive educational experience and to achieve qualifications leading to greater independence.
Solihull Special Needs Association
Funding for the employment of an experienced Early Years Play Worker for 2017.
Support towards Soundabout bringing Sounds Wild programme to children in Special Schools.
Swings & Smiles
To provide indoor and outdoor play facilities for children with special needs and their siblings.
Tall Ships Youth Trust
To enable 10 young disabled persons to receive bursary funding to join life-
The Hamlet Centre
Supporting a Norfolk charity supporting children and adults with disabilities and complex health needs.
Theatre Troupe
To support Theatre Troupe’s work with Young People marginalised from schools as a result of mental health issues by providing drama opportunities and arts workshops.
Tiny Tim’s Children Centre
A grant to be used towards the provision of therapy for children with disabilities and special needs who are aged 0-
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