The range of organisations and projects, helped with a John Horniman’s Children’s Trust grant, in 2020…
Ashford Family Nursery
To support the shortfall of nursery fees that families are unable to pay, which are not covered by the Government voucher scheme.
Auditory Verbal UK
Trustees wish to continue their support for work in helping more profoundly deaf children learn to listen and speak as equals to their hearing peers through Auditory Verbal therapy.
Back Up Trust
Trustees thank the Trust for continuing to offer Education Inclusion services to those children with Spinal Chord injuries. We understand that you have to develop new components to your programme as a result of the difficulties of supporting those children in an already disturbed school system, as a result of pandemic regulations.
Bendrigg Trust
Congratulations on responding so positively to a difficult year. Trustees are pleased to hear that the Trust have managed to provide day adventures for families with disabled children. We know that residential visits and the ‘Bendrigg Buzz’ will be even more appreciated when they can safely resume.
Trustees have appreciated reading your application for the Tandem workshop project that will provide artists who can bring “authenticity and specialist support to the young people” in the Maudsley Hospital Unit.
English Touring Opera
Trustees are pleased to have received this application from English Touring Opera’s How to find your name programme for outreach to 17 schools catering for Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, nationwide.
Flute Theatre
Trustees are pleased to contribute to the Flute Theatre’s programme of performances specifically designed for children on the Autistic Spectrum, continuing throughout the Covid-19 lockdown period.
Heart ‘n’ Soul
Trustees are pleased to have received this application from Heart n’ Soul to provide activities on the Do your own thing activity programme, once a month for up to 35 children in Lewisham.
To support the funding of a Family Support Worker at Meath School, so that the children with the most severe forms of speech, language and communication needs (SLCN) can thrive.
Keech Hospice Care
Trustees are pleased to be able to support the work of your talented Music Therapist in relieving the distress of children with life threatening conditions.
Kids Can Achieve
Trustees were pleased to receive this application after so many years. We wish to provide a Water Wall in the play area with our grant.
Living Paintings Trust
Trustees are pleased to continue to support the postal Library Service to blind and partially sighted children, their parents and teachers which has continued throughout the Covid 19 lockdown.
London Philharmonic Orchestra
Trustees would like to thank the London Philharmonic Orchestra for the impressive work recorded in their Newsletter, which showed just how adaptable they had to be – and were – in times of crisis. We are pleased to support the costs of delivering the 2020/21 LPO Open Sound Ensemble, the Orchestra’s out of school inclusive music project.
London Symphony Orchestra
Trustees are delighted that Musical Inclusion Days will be resumed as soon as possible in 2021 and hope that the musical events planned will release your young charges and their families from the constraints of the past year.
Marches Family Network
Trustees are pleased to award a grant for three activity sessions for children with learning difficulties in Hereford and Leominster. We commend this much needed and imaginative project. Trustees are pleased to support this work again with an award. We admire the way in which you have been able to continue your work during lockdown, with “bubble” systems in two locations.
Music in Hospitals & Care
To support Music in Hospitals in the Manchester area to fund 15 live sessions.
Norfolk & Norwich Send Association
Trustees are pleased to be able to assist NANSA to cover the shortfall in funding for the next financial year for the All Aboard programme which provides families of children with disabilities and /or special educational needs with a wide range of support. NANSA learned of the Trust during a visit to Norwich Quaker Meeting House.
Noah’s Ark Children’s Hospice
Trustees are pleased to support the appointment of a Special Carer to work within the 24/7 Acute Symptoms Management Department of the Hospice.
OKMT (Otakar Kraus Music Trust)
Trustees were pleased to receive your letter of July 2020 reporting your activities to date and would like to award a grant to enable 4 children to receive OK Music Therapy for 36 weeks in term-time during 2020 until July 2021 as conditions permit.
Pepper Foundation
Trustees agree to support the excellent work of home based support for children with terminal illnesses and their families.
Peter Pan Centre
Trustees are pleased to support the work of a Specialist Practitioner in Communication skills to work in Newcastle-under-Lyme with vulnerable and disabled children.
Seashell Trust
Trustees commended the work that Seashell undertakes with children and young people who have limited functional speech and knows that the funding allowing VR headphones will be used most effectively.
Sheffield MENCAP & Gateway
Trustees are pleased to make an award again for continuing work in preparing young people with disabilities for a brighter and fairer life.
Sick Children’s Trust
Trustees commend the Trust for enabling half their rooms at Crawford House to be used by 109 families since March. We would like our grant to be used towards the essential running costs of your Home, helping to keep families together, reducing financial worries and making sure families can stay close by their child’s bedside throughout a scary time.
Step by Step
The wheelchair-friendly minibus that we supported last year is now in service to deliver sports packs and activity packs during this Covid-19 lockdown period, to clients who would normally use the Centre We would like to support this new temporary but expensive programme this year.
Tall Ships Youth Trust
Funding for the charity’s work in providing sailing challenges and life skills to children with disabilities this year. Trustees have heard that the need for core funding is paramount at this time so that Tall Ships can be up and sailing as soon as they are allowed to resume operations
Theodora Children’s Charity
Congratulations on making the best of a very difficult year. We acknowledge that whilst all hospital visits by the Giggle Doctors have had to be suspended we wish you well with all your virtual visits, activities and giggle-o-grams and hope that it is not too long before in-hospital giggle activities can be resume!
Tiny Tim’s Children Centre
Trustees are pleased to award a grant for 2020 to continue your work…
Trustees are pleased to further support holiday clubs for babies and children with motor disorders like cerebral palsy.
Woodland Centre Trust
(Camp Mohawk, Wargrave, Berks)
Trustees wish to support The Woodland Centre Trust with the management costs of their outdoor facilities for use by groups of children from Special Schools during term-time. We appreciated reading a letter of support from a Quaker supporter of their work.
Yellow Submarine Holidays
To continue the support of The Yellow Submarine residential holidays for 11-18 year olds who have learning disabilities and autism. We hope these holidays can take place this next year and we are sure the young people will have lots of fun and gain confidence in a different environment.
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