The wonderful variety of organisations and projects, all helped with a John Horniman’s Children’s Trust grant, in 2021…
Batten Disease Family Association
Trustees are moved to award a grant towards a further Family Support Officer for young people affected by Batten Disease.
Bolton Lads & Girls Club
Trustees are pleased to once again give support towards the running of the Youth Inclusion Project at Bolton Lads and Girls Club.
Camden Arts Depot
Trustees are pleased to be able to award a grant towards art-based workshops via Zoom in 2 schools. We are impressed with Work Experience initiatives which include teaching techniques for the school staff and use of experiential learning techniques to develop dexterity, co-ordination, and lateral thinking. These skills have enabled the students to gain a Bronze Award qualification moderated by Trinity College London.
Cerebral Palsy Cymru
Trustees are pleased to support the work of what was formerly Bobath Children’s Therapy Centre Wales, under its new identity. The work to provide pre-diagnosis therapy for babies suspected of having Cerebral Palsy in Wales is groundbreaking. We hope that 6 babies and their families, will benefit this year.
Trustees are pleased to support Challengers in their effort to bring a fun holiday activity programme to disabled children and their families to alleviate exclusion, isolation and loneliness, exacerbated by the pandemic lockdown measures, to children in the Eastleigh area.
Children’s Hospice South West
Trustees are pleased to support the work of nurse outreach into the rural communities of Devon for the purposes of alleviating the difficulties experienced by the families of terminally ill young patients.
Clear Vision
Trustees again wish to support work in enabling blind and partially sighted children to experience greater life satisfaction, inclusivity, self-esteem and potential job success through acquiring the skill of reading from Braille. We hope our grant will assist in refurbishing Braille library stock.
Douglas Bader Foundation
Trustees are pleased to award a further grant for your Sailing Project in 2022.
Elizabeth Foundation
Trustees are pleased to support The Elizabeth Foundation in the provision of a specialist teacher for the pre-school children with cochlea implants.
Family Action
Trustees are pleased to support the provision of adult volunteer mentors for children who will have been additionally disadvantaged through the experience of the pandemic. This is now even more valuable and necessary.
Footsteps Foundation
Trustees are pleased to continue their support for your Spider Therapy Project, an intensive bespoke physiotherapy for disabled children, using traditional methods combined with the specialist piece of equipment called the ‘Spider’.
Guild Care
Trustees are pleased to support Ashdown Youth Group in providing day-out visits for the young people in their care.
Head2Head Sensory Theatre
Trustees are pleased to award a grant to enable children with profound and multiple learning difficulties, acquired brain disorders and those with sensory impairments, to enjoy interactive theatre experiences.
Heart ‘n’ Soul
Trustees were most impressed with the project ‘Do Your Own Thing’. We were pleased to note you have a partnership with the LSO as their charity is also supported by JHCT.
Helen & Douglas House
Trustees are pleased to support your Supportive Stays Project. It must be wonderful that parents have found that there is a project where they can have respite from being carers and can just be a Mum or a Dad. This is especially important at this present time and going forward as Covid-19 has put so much more pressure on families with disabled children.
Independent Provider of Special Education Advice (IPSEA)
Trustees are pleased to award a grant to throw lifelines to parents and carers of children with special educational needs and/or disabilities, ensuring that they can get the right educational provision to meet their child’s needs.
Joss Searchlight
Trustees are pleased to support this project in Oxfordshire that will provide a co-ordinated support service to children suffering from Cancer and their families.
Keech Hospice Care
Two of our trustees visited Keech a few years ago and met with the music therapist and saw the music facilities at the hospice. We were most impressed and recognising the value of music therapy, trustees are content to support a grant request for continuation of the music therapy service.
Leeds Children’s Hospital Charity
Trustees are pleased to award a grant towards enabling those children who have undergone organ transplants to participate in The British Transplant Games.
Little Angel Theatre
Trustees are pleased to support The Little Angel Theatre once again as they develop their touring puppet performances for children in hospital to be delivered digitally using wipe-down iPads. We have been very impressed by the way they have adapted to deliver performances and their puppetry training courses online whilst the pandemic continues.
Living Paintings Trust
Trustees are pleased to be able to support the Touch to See books as an online library provision for young members whilst ensuring that those unable to access such facilities will still receive ‘hard copy’ forms. Now that the havoc caused by the pandemic is abating, service to blind and partially sighted children is even more important in enabling our society to rebuild those all-important social, educational and physical networks on which all children so depend
London Philharmonic Orchestra
Trustees are pleased to support the work of the London Philharmonic Orchestra’s Open Sound Ensemble 2021/22, which aims to support the musical progression, personal development and social musical opportunities of young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities in SE London. We have been impressed that work was adapted through Lockdown and that the delivery team’s expertise is being expanded through the use of Makaton.
Marches Family Network
Trustees acknowledge the challenges you have had to face in these Covid days and applaud your success.
Martin House Hospice
Trustees are pleased to support the work of an art therapist in this Hospice for end of life care for children and young people in Yorkshire.
Mousetrap Theatre
Trustees are pleased to award support for Mousetrap to continue with their Theatre Journeys programme which is an imaginative and creative project.
Museum of London
Trustees are pleased to support the plans for Morning Explorers at the Museum of London and the Museum of London Docklands, providing a programme that gives families with children who have an autistic spectrum condition, more regular provision through bimonthly events, delivering awareness training for staff and running a marketing campaign to encourage more attendees for future events.
Noah’s Ark Children’s Hospice
Trustees are pleased to continue support for specialist care programme within the 24/7 Acute Symptoms Management Dept of the Hospice and look forward to visiting your new ‘Ark’ later in the year.
Olympias Music Foundation
Trustees are pleased to award a grant towards the cost of providing a series of music and movement workshops for 40 pupils at St John Vianney SEN school in Stretford.
Partnership for Children
Trustees are pleased to support Partnership for Children in their aim to support good mental health outcomes by extending their Zippy’s Friends programme to a further 12 special schools.
Pepper Foundation
Trustees were pleased to read of the continuing support the Pepper Nurses have been able to provide to families and their children who have life limiting conditions, via zoom and telephone conversations. We particularly liked the restructuring of the nursing services so that each team can work to their strengths and provide focussed assistance for the children and their carers.
Polka Theatre
Trustees are delighted to learn that following the redevelopment of the theatre it will be reopening later this year and Trustees are pleased to make a grant to assist with Arts Access drama-led workshops for SEND schools and adapted shows, when the theatre has opened.
Rainbow Trust
Trustees are pleased to support The Rainbow Trust by providing further funding towards the cost of a Family Support Worker in Cumbria and Lancashire.
RSBC (Royal Society for Blind Children)
Trustees wish to support Live Life Go Further programme that will take blind and partially sighted youngsters from a life of loneliness and depression, highlighted by the pandemic lockdown measures, to a life filled with confidence, enhanced mental and physical wellbeing, and improved relationships with family, friends, and community.
SANDS (Stillbirth & Neonatal Deaths charity)
Trustees are pleased to support SANDS in their work with the siblings of families where there has been a stillbirth or a neo-natal death.
Step by Step
Trustees are pleased to support once again, the hydro-therapy swimming lessons now that they are back.
Theatre Troupe
To support Theatre Troupe’s work with Young People marginalised from schools as a result of mental health issues.
Theodora Children’s Charity
Trustees are pleased to continue to support Theodora’s Children’s Charity by providing funding towards the cost of their Giggle Doctors programme
It is satisfying to note that you are planning to resume in-person delivery of your valuable services to young wheelchair users in the coming months and Trustees are pleased to make a grant to you for this work.
Yellow Submarine Holidays
Trustees are very pleased to continue their support of the Yellow Submarine residential holidays for 11-18 year olds who have autism and learning difficulties. We hope that these holidays can take place next year and we are sure the young people will gain confidence through all the fun and activities that you give them in a different environment.
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