Applications should be made on the form provided. Please complete each section giving as much information as possible. Please keep in mind the aims of the John Homiman’s Children’s Trust and its grant criteria so you can demonstrate how you match these. Please include a covering letter and tick the appropriate box in Part 1.
Part 1: Give the details of the organisation including the name and role of the person filling in the application form. The objects of your organisation should be those stated in your constitution or articles of association.
Part 2: Give full details of the project for which you are requesting funding and the amount being sought. Please include the anticipated number of beneficiaries and their ages. If you are targeting a particular group identified by illness, disability, or geographical location please indicate this in describing the beneficiaries.
Give the specific objects or targets of the project and how these will be achieved. If the general aim is to promote the personal and social education of children with disability, will your objective be running events during school holidays, working in association with a school, or running an after school club? If your aim is relief of sickness will you be providing specialised support to children and their families,
providing adaptive equipment for home use, or specialised paediatric medical services or facilities?
You may wish to apply for funding to maintain the work of your charity. If so, describe the aspect of the work, which needs financial assistance.
Give a time frame or outline for your project. This should include setting up the project and how long you intend to run the project.
Please keep the project description brief, but if you feel you need to provide additional information continue your description on an additional sheet.
Part 3: Please give the budget and funding for the project. If you fail to secure the full funding for the project, please indicate what changes you expect to make to the project and its delivery. These may include fewer beneficiaries, a shorter project, fewer staff, or even cancellation of project.
Part 4: Please indicate any connections your organisation may have with Quakers, either currently or historically. We would welcome a letter of support from a Member or Attender of a Quaker Meeting who is familiar with your work. Please tick the appropriate box in Part 1.
Referees should be two people, not necessarily Quakers, who are familiar with your project or work. The first should be a Trustee or Management Committee member who can provide us with additional information about the organisation and this project if needed. The second referee should be someone outside the organisation who can testify to the quality of your work and the ability of the organisation to
deliver the proposed project. (e.g. visiting medical practitioner or other professional, former parent, or a young person who has benefitted from your work in the past)