Trustees regret that they were unable to consider any applications from NEW charities in 2024 except from those charities they have supported previously.

This was due to continuing uncertainty in the stock market and a significant increase in the number of applicants. Trustees wish to protect the capital value of their fund and in so doing also protect John Horniman’s original concern for the health and well-being of children who are sick or have learning difficulties.

The next Trustees’ meeting is on 12 May 2025 and the deadline for applications will be 14 April 2025.

Guiding Notes for completing the Funding Application Form

All grants must contribute to the aim of the John Homiman’s Children’s Trust, namely:-

  • the relief of sickness and the advancement of the education of children and young people with disabilities up to the age of 19

The Trustees will give priority to projects which:

  1. are run by Quaker charities and other charitable bodies with historical connections with Quakers;
  2. can be introduced personally by a Member or Attender of a Quaker Meeting;
  3. are run by charities with no Quaker connections but which are known to Trustees.

Applications are welcome from any charities:

  1. which are well established and registered; or
  2. which are newly formed and may be working towards registered status;
  3. and which operate within the U.K.

Trustees regret that they will be unable to consider any applications from NEW charities in 2024 except from those charities they have supported previously. This is due to continuing uncertainty in the stock market and a significant increase in the number of applicants. Trustees wish to protect the capital value of their fund and in so doing also protect John Horniman’s original concern for the health and well-being of children who are sick or have learning difficulties. 

Owing to increased demand for our charitable funds, Trustees have decided that all new awards will be made on an annual basis. In order to support more projects we expect our grants to fall within the range £1,000 – £5,000.

If you have been successful in receiving a grant from us in the past, and you wish to apply for a further grant then:

  1. if the project for which you now require funding is the same as the one for which our original grant was made then there is no need to complete a new application form. Simply send a letter to us outlining how the project has progressed and give details of, and reasons for the new application. Along with the letter you need to send to us your most recent Annual Report and Annual Accounts. This will enable the Trustees to consider your application.
  2. if the project for which you require funding is different from the one for which our original grant was made then it is necessary for you to complete a new application form in full and send it to us along with the documents stipulated in the form.
    It is only possible to reapply for a grant twice after the initial, successful request, and if you do reapply then there cannot be any guarantee that your request will be granted. If you have made three successful requests in a three year period then there
    must be a one-year break before you apply for any further grants in which case they will be treated as new applications and must follow the procedures set out below in the section headed ‘Applying for a grant’.

Most projects will be visited by Trustees or a representative of the Trust prior to or during the period of the grant. This is an indication of the continuing interest in, and responsibility the Trustees take for the work they support. A clear description of the work for which the grant would be used is very helpful both in making the decision and for the Trustee making the visit. A report of each visit made is prepared and circulated to Trustees.

While in general principle the Trustees would not be prepared to fund work unless there is a reassurance that it will be entirely focussed on the needs of children with disabilities, they are however always prepared to look at any special circumstances.

They feel however that grants towards the following are unlikely to fall within their remit:

  1. Adapting buildings to provide disability access.
  2. All age disabled support groups.
  3. General youth work.
  4. Funds held by another organisation and dispensed by a third party.

Applications should be made on the form provided. Please complete each section giving as much information as possible. Please keep in mind the aims of the John Homiman’s Children’s Trust and its grant criteria so you can demonstrate how you match these. Please include a covering letter and tick the appropriate box in Part 1.

Part 1: Give the details of the organisation including the name and role of the person filling in the application form. The objects of your organisation should be those stated in your constitution or articles of association.

Part 2: Give full details of the project for which you are requesting funding and the amount being sought. Please include the anticipated number of beneficiaries and their ages. If you are targeting a particular group identified by illness, disability, or geographical location please indicate this in describing the beneficiaries.

Give the specific objects or targets of the project and how these will be achieved. If the general aim is to promote the personal and social education of children with disability, will your objective be running events during school holidays, working in association with a school, or running an after school club? If your aim is relief of sickness will you be providing specialised support to children and their families,
providing adaptive equipment for home use, or specialised paediatric medical services or facilities?

You may wish to apply for funding to maintain the work of your charity. If so, describe the aspect of the work, which needs financial assistance.

Give a time frame or outline for your project. This should include setting up the project and how long you intend to run the project.

Please keep the project description brief, but if you feel you need to provide additional information continue your description on an additional sheet.

Part 3: Please give the budget and funding for the project. If you fail to secure the full funding for the project, please indicate what changes you expect to make to the project and its delivery. These may include fewer beneficiaries, a shorter project, fewer staff, or even cancellation of project.

Part 4: Please indicate any connections your organisation may have with Quakers, either currently or historically. We would welcome a letter of support from a Member or Attender of a Quaker Meeting who is familiar with your work. Please tick the appropriate box in Part 1.

Referees should be two people, not necessarily Quakers, who are familiar with your project or work. The first should be a Trustee or Management Committee member who can provide us with additional information about the organisation and this project if needed. The second referee should be someone outside the organisation who can testify to the quality of your work and the ability of the organisation to
deliver the proposed project. (e.g. visiting medical practitioner or other professional, former parent, or a young person who has benefitted from your work in the past)

The Trustees of the John Horniman’s Children’s Trust usually meet in May and November. Please ensure your application is with the Secretary by the published deadlines for consideration at our May and November meetings.
All applicants will be informed of the final decision of the Trustees.

To submit a full application the following papers must be submitted:

  • Completed application form which must be signed and dated by the person completing the application form
  • Most recent Annual Report & Accounts approved and signed off by the appropriate person in your organisation
  • Most recent Children Protection Policy
  • Covering letter
  • Letter of support (Optional)

To submit your application to the Trust all of the above papers must be individually in a PDF/Word format and attached to an email and posted to


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