London Symphony Orchestra
London Symphony Orchestra
An award to the LSO in support of their Musical Inclusion Programme.
London Philharmonic Orchestra
London Philharmonic Orchestra
Support for the LPO Sound Journeys project to bring music to children with Special Needs and other disabilities, via a journey accompanied by professional musicians and teachers, is much appreciated.
Living Paintings Trust
Living Paintings Trust
To help with the costs of providing the charity’s free postal library of Touch to See books for blind and partially sighted children in the UK.
Keech Hospice Care
Keech Hospice Care
Funding towards the charity’s Music Therapy Service which offers vital pre- and post- bereavement support to child patients, child siblings and adult relatives and to provide palliative, supportive and end-of-life care.
Funding to support the charity’s Occupational Therapy at Dawn House, Nottinghamshire to enable it to continue making a positive difference to the lives of children it helps.
Howard League for Penal Reform
Howard League for Penal Reform
Funding towards the cost the telephone helpline system used by so many children.
Helen & Douglas House
Helen & Douglas House
A contribution to the maintenance of your Nursing Outreach Team which provides a service to children, young adults and their families.
Haven House Children’s Hospice
Haven House Children’s Hospice
To assist with the provision of extended physiotherapy treatments; Satellite sessions, In-House sessions and an On-Call physiotherapist.