Yellow Submarine Holidays

Yellow Submarine Holidays

Trustees are very pleased to continue their support of the Yellow Submarine residential holidays for 11-18 year olds who have autism and learning difficulties. We hope that these holidays can take place next year and we are sure the young people will gain confidence through all the fun and activities that you give them in a different environment.

Yellow Submarine Holidays2021-12-10T13:30:58+00:00

Museum of London

Museum of London

Trustees are pleased to support the plans for Morning Explorers at the Museum of London and the Museum of London Docklands, providing a programme that gives families with children who have an autistic spectrum condition, more regular provision through bimonthly events, delivering awareness training for staff and running a marketing campaign to encourage more attendees for future events.


Museum of London2021-12-10T13:28:49+00:00

Theodora Children’s Charity

Theodora Children’s Charity

Trustees are pleased to continue to support Theodora’s Children’s Charity by providing funding towards the cost of their Giggle Doctors programme

Theodora Children’s Charity2021-12-10T13:27:21+00:00

Pepper Foundation

Pepper Foundation

Trustees were pleased to read of the continuing support the Pepper Nurses have been able to provide to families and their children who have life limiting conditions, via zoom and telephone conversations. We particularly liked the restructuring of the nursing services so that each team can work to their strengths and provide focussed assistance for the children and their carers.

Pepper Foundation2021-12-10T13:04:19+00:00

London Philharmonic Orchestra

London Philharmonic Orchestra

Trustees are pleased to support the work of the London Philharmonic Orchestra’s Open Sound Ensemble 2021/22, which aims to support the musical progression, personal development and social musical opportunities of young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities in SE London. We have been impressed that work was adapted through Lockdown and that the delivery team’s expertise is being expanded through the use of Makaton.

London Philharmonic Orchestra2021-12-10T12:20:06+00:00

Step by Step

Step by Step

Trustees are pleased to support once again, the hydro-therapy swimming lessons now that they are back.        

Step by Step2021-12-10T12:18:48+00:00

Keech Hospice Care

Keech Hospice Care

Two of our trustees visited Keech a few years ago and met with the music therapist and saw the music facilities at the hospice. We were most impressed and recognising the value of music therapy, trustees are content to support a grant request for continuation of the music therapy service.

Keech Hospice Care2021-12-10T12:20:42+00:00

Marches Family Network

Marches Family Network

Trustees acknowledge the challenges you have had to face in these Covid days and applaud your success.

Marches Family Network2021-12-10T12:16:32+00:00
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